Senso Basket is a bioethanol fireplace, suitable for smaller indoor spaces. The flame has two levels of height, so you can either enjoy the fire for many hours or raise the room temperature by a few degrees. The Plug&Play system will start the fire quickly and safely, preventing close contact between the user and the flame.
Cost-efficient burning
Optional grate and handmade logs
Burning time up to 4.5 hours
Black powder-coat
Safest burning system
The BEV Technology® is a patented system of burning flammable ethanol vapours. The liquid ethanol fuel is heated up inside the fireplace and turned into vapours. Then, they are ignited right above the burner and create beautiful golden flames. The safety of the process is monitored by the microprocessor inside the device.
Automatic refill system
Každý etanolový krb od Planiky je vybavený automatickým čerpadlom, ktoré zaisťuje bezpečné a jednoduché tankovanie. Pripojte čerpadlo k ovládaciemu panelu, zasuňte druhý koniec hadičky do fľaše s etanolom a stlačte tlačidlo. Keď je nádrž naplnená, proces sa automaticky zastaví.
Decorative elements
The optional grate and handmade logs, to put on the fireplace, make the Senso Basket resemble a traditional fireplace, without creating all the unwanted by-products of wood-burning, such as smoke, soot or ash.
Additional features features
Suitable for non-used fire niches
Senso basket is a great option to arrange your pre-existing fire niches. This way traditional elements of your interior get a modern touch.
Smokeless burning
Proces spaľovania etanolu nevytvára žiadny dym, sadze ani popol, čo ho robí čistým pre životné prostredie a používateľov.
Easy to fit in small spaces
The compact size of senso basket allows you to arrange it effortlessly in any space.
Effortless installation
Žiadne požiadavky na komín robia inštaláciu ohniska extrémne nenáročnou, pretože nezasahuje do konštrukcie budovy.