Kolekcija: Fanola gorivo

Fanola bioethanol fuel – a clean, eco-friendly solution for your fireplace

Fanola bioethanol fuel by Planika is a high-quality, eco-friendly fuel designed specifically for use in bioethanol fireplaces. It offers a safe and efficient combustion process, producing no smoke, soot, or ash, making it the ideal choice for anyone who wants to enjoy real flames both indoors and outdoors. Fanola is made from renewable, plant-based resources, minimizing its environmental impact while providing clean and effective burning.

Kada se kombinira s Planikinom naprednom BEV tehnologijom, Fanola bioetanol jamči sigurne, živopisne plamenove bez štetnih emisija, stvarajući savršenu atmosferu u bilo kojem prostoru. Bilo da koristite etanol kamin u svom domu ili na terasi, Fanola pruža toplinu i ugođaj bez napora.

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1 product

  • Fanola gorivo

    Fanola gorivo

    Regular price From €64,00
    Regular price Sale price From €64,00

Zašto odabrati Fanola bioetanol?

Ekološki prihvatljivo i obnovljivo

Fanola is made from renewable, plant-based resources, making it a sustainable fuel option. It burns cleanly, producing only water vapor and a small amount of CO2, which is equivalent to the CO2 absorbed by plants during their growth.

No smoke, soot, or ash

Čisto izgaranje Fanole osigurava da vaš kamin ostane bez prljavštine i ostataka povezanih s tradicionalnim kaminima na drva. Možete uživati u prekrasnom, pravom plamenu bez gnjavaže čišćenja.

Bez mirisa i sigurno

Fanola burns without producing any unpleasant odors or harmful emissions, making it safe for indoor use. Its advanced formula ensures a smooth and consistent flame, providing both safety and comfort.

Kompatibilno s Planika kaminima

Fanola bioethanol fuel is specifically designed to work with Planika’s BEV technology and other bioethanol fireplaces, ensuring optimal performance and safety.

Dugotrajno gorenje

Fanola offers an extended burn time, depending on the size of the fuel tank and the intensity of the flame. This makes it an efficient choice for long-lasting warmth and ambiance.

How to Use Fanola Bioethanol?

Korištenje Fanola u vašem bioetanolskom kaminu je jednostavno. Samo napunite spremnik za gorivo vašeg kamina potrebnom količinom Fanola, zapalite plamen i uživajte u čistom, stvarnom efektu vatre. Obavezno slijedite sve sigurnosne smjernice koje je dao Planika kako biste osigurali pravilnu uporabu.

Za više informacija o bioetanolu i kako funkcionira, pogledajte naš vodič za gorivo bioetanola na Planika blogu. To je savršen izvor za svakoga tko želi saznati više o ovom ekološkom gorivu i njegovim prednostima.

Fanola bioethanol fuel is the perfect complement to your bioethanol fireplace, offering an eco-friendly, clean, and efficient way to enjoy real flames without the hassle. Whether you're using it indoors or outdoors, Fanola ensures a smooth and safe burning experience, providing both warmth and ambiance to your space.

Često postavljana pitanja

Od čega je napravljen Fanola bioetanol?

Fanola bioethanol is made from renewable, plant-based resources, such as crops that absorb CO2 during their growth, making it a sustainable and eco-friendly fuel option.

Je li Fanola sigurna za unutarnju upotrebu?

Da, Fanola bioetanol je potpuno siguran za unutarnju upotrebu. Čisto sagorijeva bez proizvodnje dima, čađe ili pepela, i ne ispušta štetne kemikalije u zrak.

Does Fanola produce any odor when burning?

No, Fanola burns without producing any unpleasant odors, ensuring a pleasant and clean burning experience in your home or outdoor space.

How long does Fanola bioethanol burn?

The burn time depends on the size of the fuel tank and the flame setting of your fireplace. Typically, Fanola provides several hours of consistent burning, making it an efficient choice for continuous warmth and ambiance.

Can I use Fanola in any bioethanol fireplace?

While Fanola bioethanol is specifically designed for use with Planika fireplaces, it is also compatible with most bioethanol fireplaces on the market. However, for best results, it’s recommended to use it with Planika’s BEV technology fireplaces.

Is Fanola environmentally friendly?

Yes, Fanola bioethanol is an environmentally friendly fuel. It is made from renewable sources and burns cleanly, producing only water vapor and a small amount of CO2.

How do I store Fanola safely?

Fanola treba čuvati na hladnom, suhom mjestu daleko od izravne sunčeve svjetlosti i izvora topline. Osigurajte da je spremnik čvrsto zatvoren kako biste spriječili isparavanje i slijedite sigurnosne upute navedene na etiketi proizvoda.

Can Fanola be used outdoors?

Yes, Fanola bioethanol can be used both indoors and outdoors, making it a versatile fuel choice for creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in any setting.