Kolekcija: Ethanol BEV kamini

BEV Technology by Planika – The Cleanest Ethanol Combustion on the Market

BEV Technology (Burning Ethanol Vapours) is an innovative solution developed by Planika that ensures the cleanest ethanol combustion process available on the market. This technology eliminates the emission of smoke, odor, and ash, offering the highest levels of safety and comfort. 

Kao lider u industriji bioetanolskih kamina, Planika je dizajnirala ovu tehnologiju kako bi isporučila proizvode koji kombiniraju modernu estetiku s ekološki prihvatljivim pristupom grijanju. Fokusiranjem na izgaranje etanolnih para umjesto tekućeg goriva, BEV Tehnologija pruža duže i učinkovitije izgaranje. Omogućuje korisnicima uživanje u čistom plamenu bez štetnih nusproizvoda, što ga čini idealnim za unutarnju upotrebu.

Whether you're creating a warm atmosphere at home or in commercial spaces, Planika's BEV Technology guarantees a seamless blend of innovation, design, and sustainability.


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Što je BEV tehnologija?

BEV tehnologija omogućuje izgaranje samo etanolnih para, eliminirajući direktan kontakt između tekućeg goriva i plamena. To čini proces izgaranja izuzetno čistim i sigurnim, bez štetnih emisija ili neugodnih mirisa. Štoviše, nedostatak direktnog kontakta s gorivom omogućuje potpunu kontrolu nad plamenom, povećavajući sigurnost korištenja.

How Does BEV Technology work?

BEV Technology uses a specially designed burner where ethanol is first heated, and only its vapors are burned. This process prevents the ethanol from coming into direct contact with the flame, resulting in cleaner combustion, greater energy efficiency, and precise flame control. This solution allows you to enjoy the natural beauty of fire without the need for a chimney or ventilation ducts.

Why choose BEV Technology by Planika?

Clean combustion

BEV Technology ensures smokeless and odorless combustion, making it one of the most environmentally friendly options on the market.


The lack of direct contact between the flame and liquid fuel significantly enhances safety, minimizing the risk of accidental fuel spills.

Jednostavnost korištenja

Automatic flame control systems and hassle-free refueling make BEV-based fireplaces exceptionally easy to operate.

Moderan dizajn: Planika

Planika fireplaces with BEV Technology offer not only functionality but also modern aesthetics, making them a perfect fit for various interior styles.

Ekološko rješenje

BEV enables the clean combustion of bioethanol, a renewable and eco-friendly fuel that does not emit harmful substances.

Where is BEV Technology used?

BEV tehnologija je integrirana u razne modele kamina Planika, dizajnirane za stambenu i komercijalnu upotrebu. S mogućnošću sigurnog rada bez potrebe za dimnjakom, ovi kamini su savršeni za domove, urede, restorane i hotele. Osim toga, kamini opremljeni BEV-om su jednostavni za instalaciju i premještanje, što omogućuje njihovu upotrebu u različitim prostorima.


Do BEV fireplaces require a chimney?

No, BEV fireplaces are completely ventless, allowing installation in any location without the need for costly ventilation systems.

Jesu li BEV kamini sigurni za korištenje?

Da, BEV tehnologija je jedno od najsigurnijih rješenja na tržištu. Nedostatak izravnog kontakta između plamena i tekućeg goriva eliminira rizik od curenja ili prolijevanja goriva.

Koji su operativni troškovi BEV kamina?

Operating costs depend on the amount of bioethanol used, which is an eco-friendly and renewable fuel. Planika fireplaces are designed for efficient combustion, making them economical to use.

Do BEV fireplaces emit harmful substances?

No, the combustion of ethanol vapors produces no smoke or harmful emissions. Only water vapor and a minimal amount of carbon dioxide are released, making BEV fireplaces safe and environmentally friendly.

What fuel is recommended for Planika BEV fireplaces?

Planika recommends using FANOLA fuel, which is specifically designed for clean combustion in bioethanol fireplaces. This fuel guarantees optimal performance in terms of both safety and heating efficiency.

Can I control the flame size in BEV Technology fireplaces?

Yes, Planika's BEV Technology allows precise control over the flame size. With advanced automation systems, you can easily adjust the intensity of the flame to suit your desired ambiance, providing both aesthetic flexibility and energy efficiency.

Mogu li instalirati BEV kamin u bilo kojoj prostoriji?

Yes, BEV fireplaces can be installed in almost any room, whether in residential or commercial spaces, without the need for a chimney or special ventilation systems.

How long can a BEV Technology fireplace burn on a single refill?

Vrijeme gorenja kamina s BEV tehnologijom ovisi o modelu i kapacitetu spremnika za etanol. Međutim, većina Planikinih kamina opremljenih BEV tehnologijom može gorjeti nekoliko sati s jednim punjenjem, pružajući dosljednu toplinu i plamen bez potrebe za čestim dopunjavanjem goriva.